In the automotive industry, the use of OSS is also on the rise. While open source is helping to transform the industry with the onset of enhanced applications in-vehicle, most manufacturers are only aware of up to 10% of the open source used. This creates a dilemma.

How do you manage the security and vulnerability risks if you aren’t 100% aware of what’s in your software components?

Download The Essential Software Composition Analysis Toolkit for the Automotive Industry to learn more about managing OSS in the automotive supply chain and how to minimize license compliance and security vulnerability exposure.

The Toolkit was designed to provide you with everything you need to better understand and assess your OSS risk, and to determine your level of maturity compared to other organizations. In the toolkit, you'll find:

  • Industry and open source use trends
  • Tips on how you can take control of your OSS management
  • An easy-to-use maturity model to assess your current state and identify next steps for OSS management growth
  • An overview of Revenera’s Software Composition Analysis capabilities

The Essential Software Composition Analysis Toolkit for the Automotive Industry